tisdag 27 juni 2017

New album and a festivalshow!

Yes box people!
The new album WELLKNOWN STRANGERS is now ready, there's only some supercool artwork to be done!
The release will be sometime during early winter, and single will also be released late september, so psyched over this fantastic album and can't wait to let you all listen and dance to it!!

It's been such joyful ride to make this album, I can't thank my mentor, friend, extradaddy & producer Tiger Ragnstam enough, and of course the rest of the band Krister Selander and Anders Rane.
There's so much talent in these guys it almost makes me scared!

So soon there's new music for ya'll to enjoy!

And, I will do one show this summer!
I will play a soloshow at Säljerydsfestivalen, just outside Växjö the 7th of july.
It will be so much fun, I will air some of the new songs and also some old gems of course.
I'll play at Kafe Scenen at16.00 sharp friday the 7th of july, tune in and share the love!

So have an fantastic summer and we'll see a lot more of each other in fall!

Loads of love

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